Each player receives a vineyard board, a set of workers, and a few starting resources like coins, vine cards, and wine order cards. The main board shows the different actions you can take throughout the game, divided by seasons. You’ll also shuffle the wine order cards and place them face-up on the board.
Game Phases:
The game is played over several rounds, each divided into four seasons:
Spring: Players assign workers to various actions, such as planting vines, building structures, or gaining coins.
Summer: Players can use their workers to perform actions like harvesting grapes, drawing vine cards, or gaining resources.
Fall: Players draw and fulfill wine orders, or upgrade their winery with new structures that provide special benefits.
Winter: Players complete their wine production by turning grapes into wine and deliver orders to earn victory points.
Worker Placement:
Players take turns assigning their workers to different spots on the main board. Some spaces allow you to plant vines, while others let you harvest grapes, build structures, or make wine. The more workers you have, the more actions you can take, but you’ll need to manage them carefully since there’s limited space for certain actions.
Growing Vines:
To make wine, you first need to grow grapes. You do this by planting vines (which come from your vine cards), choosing the type of grape you want to grow. As the game progresses, these vines will grow into valuable grapes that you can use to make wine.
Harvesting Grapes:
At certain points in the game, you can harvest your grape vines. You’ll collect grape tokens, which will later be used to produce wine. However, not all grapes are created equal—grapes come in different colors and qualities, and some orders will require specific types.
Producing Wine:
After harvesting your grapes, you can use them to produce wine. You can combine different types of grapes to make various wines. These wines are used to fulfill orders and gain victory points. The production process can be upgraded by building certain structures, such as the Crush Pad and Barrel Room.
Fulfilling Wine Orders:
One of the main ways to earn points is by fulfilling wine orders. These orders require specific types and quantities of wine. Once you complete an order, you’ll receive victory points and coins, but fulfilling more difficult orders rewards you with higher points.
Building Structures:
Throughout the game, you can build structures that give you powerful advantages, such as storing more wine or gaining extra workers. Upgrading your winery with these structures is essential to increase efficiency and maximize your points.
End of the Game:
The game ends when a player reaches a certain number of victory points (usually 20 or more). The player with the most victory points at the end of the game is the winner. Points are earned through fulfilling orders, having the most efficient vineyard, and completing special objectives.